The world's most expensive (virtual) island

on Tuesday, April 12, 2011

As the virtual worlds are becoming mainstream, it would come as a little surprise that people have started buying virtual properties with real money, however, you are in for a big surprise as the world’s most expensive virtual island goes on sale for a whopping $26,500. The amount is paid by David Storey, a 27-year-old graduate student living in Sydney, Australia, who got his name listed in the Guinness World Records for “Most valuable object that is virtual.” It is estimated that the virtual goods market in the U.S. would reach $1.6 billion this year, up from $1 billion in 2009, but that’s just a tip of the iceberg if stakes from countries like China and Korea are taken into account. Calling Mr. Storey’s example as extreme would make me sound a little old fashioned, but it certainly is extreme.


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