Instantly add a touch of elegance in your room with the Piano Coffee Table

on Thursday, May 12, 2011

offee table or cocktail table, as it is fondly called, supports a lot of items while we relax on the sofa placed in front of it. But a table should be practical and not just a beautiful piece placed in the room. Clubbing both practicality and beauty in one package is the “Piano Coffee Table.”

As the name suggests, the table has been shaped in the form of a piano by Donald Pusateri. The essential furniture piece, with its sophistication, will make any room look extravagant. The artist has sprinkled his love for music and wood-crafting skills on this (one of its kind) piece of furniture.

Piano table has a storage space underneath the top surface, which can be used to store up remotes, napkins, magazines, chargers and so on, giving the surroundings a neat look. Instead of customary glass or wooden table top, which require a lot of maintenance, the Piano Coffee Table has been given a marble top that not only adds a little color to your living space but is also durable. However, the best part of the table is that each piece is tailored as per the consumers taste and requirements, in terms of color and dimensions.


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