'Residuary Events' trash can concept makes you filter different kinds of garbage

on Thursday, May 12, 2011

Trash can is one reason that keeps our surroundings clean. But normally we throw all kinds of waste in one can; this poses a trouble while filtering different kinds of garbage. A team of nine members has designed Residuário para Eventos (Residuary Events), fit to be used at both homes and public places. The main aim was to make a product that will guide users on the environment and ecological level.

It is a collection of five modules, each used for a different purpose. It comes with a flexibility to use all the modules together or individually. When placed together, they act as a magazine for the plant. Each module has a nozzle that represents what kind of waste (plastic, metal, glass, paper and organic) should be thrown in it. There is a display on each that will guide the user what kind of waste can be discarded in that specific container. This will also aptly guide the user about the way materials are recycled.

The whole structure has been fashioned out from PET fabric. This is further caked with plastic strips of wood, which endows the user with a flexibility to completely remove the residuary body. This property poses no trouble while carrying it from one place to the other. The module consists of a base, a body and a specific nozzle. Each nozzle has a graphical portion that has been crafted using green stickers.

Easy transportation and waste removal makes the Residuary Events an instant hit. Moreover, the way a new compartment unfurls, where any kind of plant can be placed, when all the units are placed signals the green aspects it comes attached with.

Residuary Events Picture Gallery


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